Thursday 3 November 2011

Magen David Adom and United Hatzola

Recently I came to learn of an interesting service now offered through a connection made between Magen David Adom and United Hatzola. If one calls Magen David Adom for an ambulance, especially when it is after hours and the ambulance fee is higher, they first send a paramedic from Hatzola. The Pareamedic is often able to assist the person at the place they were called from thus saving the ambulance fee. 

The Hatzola paramedic arrives within minutes and in a caring, professional manner will do whatever first aid can be provided. In the event an ambulance is needed, the Hatzola paramedic will inform Magen David Adom and an ambulance is sent.

However, when they are able to administer assistance immediately and an ambulance is no longer needed, the family is then saved the cost of the ambulance which can be a saving of 800 Shekkels.

Both United Hatzola and Magen David Adom provided very necessary services. I am not sure enough of the behind the scenes work, but it was brought to my attention that United Hatzola is in need of funds to keep up with all the life-saving costs involved in the work they are doing.

If you are able to make a donation to assist, please do so here and inidcate that the donation is for assisting in the important work they do for so many in our country.

Of course we daven daily for the Final Geulah, but in the meantime, there are times medical attention and first aide is required.

If you are able to assist please do so now and we will be happy to pass on a group donation.

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