I'm busy doing research to figure out the next step in the work we do assisting orphan Chatanim and Kallot. I decided to try to obtain stats on orphans in Israel. The central bureau of statistics in Israel was unable to provide stats but referred me to the Bituach Leumi site. I am still trying to find the correct spot on the site for the information I require but was amazed with other information I came across.
Have you ever spent a little time looking at the Bituach Leumi website? Here is the link if you would like to look yourself. http://www.btl.gov.il
Did you know there is something for righteous gentiles. I was focused on what I am looking for so did not look further but that says a lot.
Did you know that Bituach Leumi offers counseling for seniors? There are all kinds of other headings and information on the website.
The only topic I have found thus far related to orphans was for me very, very upsetting. The title was for the assistance provided for those under 18 years old who have become orphaned from one parent in domestic violence. That to me is really frightening. The fact that abuse and domestic violence exists in Israel is hard enough to consider.. But, the fact that it would be of a level that children become orphans shows how severe it is.
Since I prefer prevention and sustainability of health to rehabilitation, I'd like to hear what is being done to help to prevent this? With one in three or 1 in 3 children living below the poverty line, I can imagine that low income would be a major concern and contributing factor. What other factors are contributing to this being enough of a problem for there to be assistance provided for the surviving orphans?
If you are an expert in this field, I'm interested to hear your thoughts.
If you yearn for a time of peace and healthy functioning of all, then please do be in touch.
Concerned and saddened to read such information.
Shoshanah Shear