Sunday 18 October 2009

Bituach Leumi - National Insurance Institute - Introduction

This post has been compiled for us by Tzvi Szajnbrum a lawyer who has some free services for Olim

National Insurance Institute (NII)– “Bituach Leumi

What is “Bituah Leumi”?

The NII, known in Hebrew as HaMosad LeBituach Leumi , is the government body responsible for social security. It dispenses various insurance benefits and collects insurance premiums.

Its main purposes are to assure a means of subsistence for residents of Israel, for reasons beyond their control are temporarily or permanently unable to support themselves, and to provide allowances and benefits for eligible, insured persons who have accumulated rights.

This is not a private insurance or an eligible insurance but a Compulsory National Insurance and Health Insurance – you must pay (except those exempt by law, as noted below) whether you like it or not, or need it or not.

Booklets in English free of charge can be found in any branch of the NII. These booklets provide most of the needed information on rights and benefits.

Who must pay?

· Every resident of Israel aged 18 and over is obliged under law to be insured by National Insurance and to pay the National Insurance contributions, except for a housewife (a married woman who is not employed outside the household) and for a person who first became an Israeli resident over the age determined by law (the age increases gradually from 60 to 62).

· A person whose life is centered in Israel. Among the criteria for determining residence in this context: permanent place of residence, place at which the family is staying, place of the children's education, main place of work, place of learning.

· Every resident of Israel aged 18 and over is also obliged to be covered by Health Insurance and to pay the health insurance contributions to the National Insurance Institute together with the national insurance contributions.

· A housewife is exempt from payment of health insurance, with the exception of a housewife who is an old-age pension recipient or whose spouse receives a supplement to his old-age pension. Every insured person must be registered in one of the sick funds and is entitled to the health services defined by law.

· Payment rates of national insurance and health insurance are calculated according to the insured’s earned and unearned income, and according to his work status (employee, self-employed, unemployed, student, etc.). Payments will not be less than the minimum specified by law and will not be more than the maximum income ceiling for insurance contributions.

· A person who does not work and has no income will pay the minimum insurance contribution of NIS 147 (as of 01.01.2009) per month.

· An insured person is obligated to pay insurance contributions for any period he/she is temporarily absent from Israel.

Insurance for New Immigrants

New Immigrants are exempt from NII payments during your first year in Israel, unless your income exceeds a set minimum. Different forms of benefits are available for the new immigrant, but you must consult with the NII (or me) if you are eligible during your first year in Israel.

If you need more information or clarification on any subject concerning the NII, please feel completely comfortable to contact Tzvi by email or www.voleh.or

1 comment:

  1. A friend of mine living in Israel is being audited by the IRS and is required to pay social security/self-employment tax on his Israeli income. He is told that there is no treaty to cover this, but "everyone" doesn't pay social security. He just happened to be audited. He needs a source to provide to the IRS to avoid having to pay (double) social security tax. Can you help?



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