If you are coming to Eretz Yisrael on a Pilot Trip during the month of December or have recently made Aliya, come and join our Full Day Seminar for Women. At this event you will meet other women who already live in Israel. We have some wonderful speakers lined up.
Each of these speakers is very worth getting to know and each have guests for Shabbat.
So come and join us. One of the keys to settling in Israel successfully is increasing your network. What better way than through a full day that is geared to increasing Unity with Jewish Women.
If you can't make this event, please be in touch anyway. We are working on making this kind of event a regular happening. So come along another time.
Each of these speakers is very worth getting to know and each have guests for Shabbat.
So come and join us. One of the keys to settling in Israel successfully is increasing your network. What better way than through a full day that is geared to increasing Unity with Jewish Women.
If you can't make this event, please be in touch anyway. We are working on making this kind of event a regular happening. So come along another time.
"Wow, what a list of speakers" Comment sent by friend on FaceBook
"Your event sounds fantastic" Comment sent by friend on twitter
Our Upcoming Women's Event, scheduled to take place, G-d willing, on 8th Dec 2009 at the Dati Leumi Shul Hall, 22 Rehov Chai Taib, Har Nof.
"It looks like terrific program!" One of our presenters in response to confirming details of the time for her slot.
As you can see, responses coming in are positive. We have wonderful and inspiring speakers and a varied program.
Come and join us for a day of Torah, Tehillim, Tzeddakah, Simchah and Unity. Further details can be seen on our website
Prior Booking is essential. Payment to attend can be made either via PayPal or direct deposit to our Bank Account.
To book your places, please email Shoshanah
Book for a friend too and receive a free raffle ticket.
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