If you have already made Aliya or are considering doing so, a common hurdle is where do you start when you don't know what to do? You might have completed your Pilot Trip, found all manner of useful facts, tips, rights etc, then you make aliya and everything changes. Now what?
You might have connected with Misrad HaKlita (Ministry of Absorption), completed everything you need to do, then things become different. Now What?
You might have interviewed for several jobs, decided which to chose, comes the day before the job starts, you find new information. Either the job you thought you had now is not, or the details change. Now what?
You might have found an apartment, now you need to sign a contract or move or .... Now what?
The list of reasons for networking are many. We have already mentioned the new yahoogroup for South Africans in Israel.
I am happy to say that with the progress of technology, there are many avenues to pose questions and obtain answers. Here are a few ideas, if you have others to add to the list, please do post a comment.
- For English Speaking Olim in Jerusalem, a very useful networking forum is Janglo.net
- For English Speaking Olim in Tel Aviv, there is the equivalent to Janglo known as Tanglo.net
- If you know the area you wish to move to, most areas have their own yahoogroup e.g. Tzfat, Telzstone, Rehavia, Rehovot. You will require a Yahoo Mail Account, but after that it is very easy to sign up for as many Yahoo Groups as you wish to.
- We would be very happy if you search this blog and also send in questions that you might have. If you have a question, chances are another Oleh does too or has been through the same.
- If you are linked to any social network forum, e.g. Face Book, Twitter, Linked In ... there are many Israelis here too. Post a question on one of these forums. If you dont find your answer, post again or on one of the YahooGroups.
These forums are a very good beginning and a wonderful way to network.
Once again, if you either know of other network options or you have a question you have not yet found a solution for, please do send a comment to this blog. We look forward to hearing from you.
Have a successful Klita (absorption) and settlement in Israel.
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